
Report Interpretation and Support

Our reports provide information about your patients’ genomic findings and biomarkers as well as associated targeted therapies and available clinical trial options. To ensure that you understand and are able to fully utilize the report findings, we provide a variety of support options, from video to online guides to expert consultations.

Foundation Medicine Report Features


All Foundation Medicine reports provide information about your patient’s genomic findings, biomarkers, associated targeted therapies and, when available, clinical trial opportunities. Our goal is to help you fully utilize the information in our reports as you make decisions about your patients’ treatments.

FoundationOne®CDx and FoundationOne®Liquid CDx Report Features

Genomic Alterations Our comprehensive genomic profiling tests analyze tumor tissue, blood, or bone marrow samples to identify clinically relevant genomic alterations. Therapies A patient’s report includes a list of targeted therapies or immunotherapies that match the genomic alterations and biomarkers identified in testing. Clinical Trials We also include relevant clinical trial options based on the patient’s genomic findings. Additional Biomarkers We also provide information aboutadditional biomarkers that may be associated with immunotherapy response.


Report Highlights

Summary of all actionable results in one easy-to-find bulletin-style box on the first page of the report. Personalized for each patient, helping you focus on the key results to inform your patient’s treatment plan.


Therapies With Clinical Benefit & Potential Resistance

Therapies may be matched to patient genomic alterations based on clinical guidelines and/or published literature. Therapy resistance based on your patient’s genomic profile will also be indicated.


FDA-Approved CDx Claims

Reports include a list of FDA-approved companion diagnostics, if available, to identify patients who may be eligible for treatment with associated therapies.


Clinical Trial Options

Detailed information about the clinical trials your patient has been matched to, ranked for the patient based on location and trial phase.


Interested in learning more about genomics and Foundation Medicine tests? Explore additional educational videos on our YouTube channel

Provider Education

Virtual Molecular Tumor Board (vMTB) Program

The vMTB is a structured educational program established between Foundation Medicine and partner institutions to give ordering clinicians the opportunity to have recurring, interactive, compliant patient case discussions with Foundation Medicine experts. The vMTBs provide real-time clinical genomic support to help you address complex patient cases with a better understanding of the biological and clinical implications of genomic findings.

  • A physician or institutional team presents a patient’s case history in a HIPAA-compliant manner
  • Foundation Medicine experts (usually a clinical genomics scientist and an oncologist or pathologist) discuss the associated genomics of the case
  • Meeting cadence can be monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly, as determined by institutions to best meet their physicians’ needs